Courses range from 2-hour Senior Management briefings, to Comcare-Approved courses (both Initial 5-day and 1-day Refresher WHS Training Courses).
Looking for a practical and interactive course for your Health & Safety Representatives (HSRs) - and others with responsibilities for WHS?
Although HSRs are the primary audience, managers, supervisors, Health and Safety Committee members - and anyone with an interest in workplace health and safety - will benefit from attending these courses.
CLICK HERE for details of 2020 Initial WHS programs and to ENROL
A 2 -day workshop to provide managers, supervisors and other decision makers with the background, concepts and overview necessary to enable them to manage workplace health and safety issues in their organisation.
This program recognises the rapidly changing nature of work-related risks and hazards and the changing nature, culture and business goals of the client organisation.
CLICK HERE for details of 2020 courses for managers & supervisors and to ENROL.
We ensure that our training programs are practical and client-focused – and fun! Don't take our word for it - CLICK HERE to see what our participants have to say. In addition to the above programs, we offer proven courses in "WHS & IR - The Hidden agenda", "WHS for Managers and Supervisors", "Contractors and WHS" - and many more.
Read more on our website HERE.