for Managers and Supervisors

Health & Safety Representatives have significant rights and power - but have no responsibilities for health and safety in their organisations. HSRs are legally entitled to attend a 5-day training course - and an annual Refresher course.

Managers and supervisors have no such entitlement - yet they are legally responsible and liable for health & safety performance and outcomes.


A 2 -day workshop to provide managers, supervisors and other decision makers with the background, concepts and overview necessary to enable them to manage workplace health and safety issues in their organisation.

This program helps address this imbalance. By developing a clear overview of the needs and requirements of their organisation - and their responsibilities and duties - in relation to work / occupational health and safety, managers and supervisors will be better able to understand what is required, identify and respond to achievable objectives and more effectively participate in the health and safety process.

Particular attention will be paid to the various management responsibilities that need to be addressed: efficient operation, productivity and quality of service, industrial relations, legal and public image.

The importance of managing the W/OHS function in a pro-active manner - of managers, supervisors and employees/health and safety representatives working together (and utilising resources such as the health and safety committee) - will be emphasised throughout the course.

Skills development will allow participants to return to their workplaces with an increased ability to analyse their own working environments for factors that may be hazardous to employees.

This dynamic strategy recognises the rapidly changing nature of work-related risks and hazards associated with new technology and the importance of increased awareness of the causes of work-related illnesses and disease.  It is designed to allow for the changing nature, culture and business goals of the client organisation.

Course Dates in 2020:
July 15-16    Ringwood
December 2-3   Carlton
For course details, fees and
to enrol in a program,


This program for managers and supervisors - and all duty holders in an organisation - also is available as an in-house course with 1, 2 and 3-day options.

To download the matrix of topics covered over each of 1, 2 and 3 day program, CLICK HERE

Like to chat about the program and discuss your requirements
- perhaps an in-house program to deal with YOUR issues?
Send us an email HERE and we'll call you back.
Copyright 2020 OSHA Ed